Thursday, October 22, 2015

PBB 737: Dawn VS Tommy

Yes it is. No it isn't.
These two sentences summarize the argument between Dawn and Tommy perfectly. Both sides opposing the other.

I thought about whether or not to write about this online. After at least a day of continuous debate in my head and re-reading all the comments and tweets, I decided this was the right thing to do. I will only write the opinions I have in my head based on what is shown on television, nothing more and nothing less.

The argument started when all the housemates voted on who they thought was rightful to take on a task that would assure a spot on the Big 4. Out of the 5 regular housemates: Dawn, Miho, Roger, Tommy, and Zeus; Tommy got the lowest votes. This meant that he had lost the chance to take on the task for a sure place on the Big 4. Tommy and Dawn voted against each other. Tommy, thinking that he was more deserving than Dawn tried to challenge her for her spot before the countdown ended. Watching it in a viewer's point of view, this felt more like an attack than a challenge. There was more spewing of insults from Tommy rather than a suggestion to see who is more deserving. Note, this was after everyone in the house had already decided with independent votes on who they thought was more deserving. 

I found it rude, the way he "offered" the challenge. This was already an alternative to what everyone had agreed on, and yet the way it was delivered was just lacking in thought. Originally, I liked Tommy in a sense that he was appealing and showed innocence if not foolishness in "love" for Miho. Mind you, my admiration went both ways. At this point of the show, I was starting to lose all interest just because of seeing his thought capacity. 

Tommy pointed out that Dawn was playing with Zeus and that she was flirting with him and being provocative to the point that Zeus was losing his mind. He continually insulted Dawn by the way she dressed and the way she moved around saying that it would make any guy crazy. The man logic just continued out of his mouth with no brakes whatsoever. 

Dawn on the other hand pointed out that Tommy based his vote against Dawn only from what he saw, and that she respected that decision. However, she also pointed out that she and Zeus had multiple conversations about what their limits were and the lines are perfectly clear. What she wore was nobody's business because she knows how she handles herself and if anyone would think otherwise, then that's their problem, not hers.

This man logic of what a woman should and should not do based on what type of lust a man feels is unacceptable. Especially when it came to clothing. It's the same as when rapists say they should be excused from doing something horrid just because a girl they raped was wearing a skirt and it made them horny. 

"If you think I'm sexy then thank you, but I'm not playing with Zeus. He's an attractive guy and that's it. Zeus and I already talked about this. There are things in this house that you don't know. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your own thoughts and actions" as Dawn had said. I could just imagine women protesting their rights, supporting Dawn.

This my friends, was where I lost all respect for Tommy. "You're scared. That's why you won't take the challenge." The insult among insults is telling someone you hardly know that they are a coward. The fact that someone would let that come out of their mouth after losing a chance through a vote of democracy just shows lacking in sportsmanship. Young man, there are a lot of ways to challenge someone, plenty of ways to prove that you are right, but bullying is not one of them. No matter what anyone says, that's what it was just because it was delivered in the most insulting, disrespectful way.

I am not saying that Dawn is perfect. Nobody is. You can't please everybody. The fact of the matter is, the majority of the housemates voted that she was deserving to get the spot on the Big 4 Jump task. That itself proves that they saw that she had what it took, and it weighed more than her mistakes or any of the little things that Tommy contributed in the house.

To add on, Zeus had also explained to Tommy that he was at fault. He said that Dawn had told him over and over that they had their limits and they would just be friends. It was him that kept on coming to her. He also admitted that he had lied about not having a girlfriend, so Tommy's pity argument that his friend Zeus was the one being used and Dawn should be condemned wasn't the case. Still, Tommy insisted that Dawn was seducing Zeus, that her actions were different from her words. Having said that, it just made me see Tommy in a way that all of his appeal just went down the drain. If you can't understand what the ones involved, and everyone in the house is telling you; and only see  lust, then clearly, you are the one with the dirty mind.

In the end, the part where I would emphasize the most is when Dawn said "If you are a judgmental person, make sure that everything that comes out of your mouth is right." This just goes to show that you can criticize a person but not to the point of persecution. You have to be sure more right comes out of your lips than what you *think* is right. Weigh the pros and cons first, collect all the facts, and decide what should and should not come out. That is how anyone with a sense of decency speaks. That is what everyone should learn. 

I am not a TOMIHO basher, in fact I enjoyed every kilig moment they would show. I am however, a smart viewer. As far as I can see, Dawn had proven a lot more good than Tommy has. If Tommy had been a sport, or challenged Dawn properly without all that rage, I would have still considered his adorable side. When it comes down to it, Tommy had caused them to fail a group challenge, slow down another, and as far as I can see the only task he succeeded on was once again for Miho. I love Miho too, but she is not who you should focus on to be deserving to win. The focus should be achieving what was meant to be achieved inside the Big Brother house, not just for yourself, but for everyone else.

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